Event Information
Event code COUR24071801 Event Flyer Closed Language Mandarin
Event name High level training course for young Hong Kong accountants — Digital Economy and Accounting Technology (Third Cohort)
香港青年會計師高端研修班 – 數字經濟與會計科技 (第三期)
Enrolment restrictions For HKICPA members CPD hours 15.00
Competency Young Members Committee,Industry Knowledge Sub-Competency Business and product knowledge
Level 2 - Intermediate
Contact Event Information Enquiry: Mr. Marco Yip at marcoyip@hkicpa.org.hk or 2287 7009

香港青年會計師高端研修班 – 數字經濟與會計科技 (第三期)


行程 - 請見活動單張

對象 - 公會青年會員﹙40歲或以下會員﹚

費用 - 個人承擔費用
  • 培訓期間食宿費用免費,其餘費用敬請自理﹙包括自行安排往返香港及廈門之交通 – 建議乘坐高鐵﹚。
  • 獲確認成功報名者如未能出席研修班,公會將收取港幣$500作行政費用。
  1. 請先在公會網上報名平台登記;
  2. 同時,在平台下載報名須知正式報名表^,並詳細填寫個人資料及提供一張近照;
  3. 請在7月2日下午3:00或之前將填妥的報名表和近照,通過電郵發送至marcoyip@hkicpa.org.hk,以便進行報名審核。請盡快提交,以便考慮報名申請。


(^ 報名表必須以word檔案的形式提交,不接受PDF檔案。)


Event Date
Date / Time CPD hours Venue
18 Jul 2024 18:30 - 21 Jul 2024 16:00 15.00 Xiamen National Accounting Institute (廈門國家會計學院)
Fee Information
Free Event No-show Fee (HKD) 500.00
Enrolment Date
Enrolment from 03 Jun 2024 (00:00) to 02 Jul 2024 (12:00)
The enrolment has closed.
Full Hot and limited seat Promotion
Closed e-Learning Continuing Education Fund
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