Event Information
Event code VOHK24052701 Event Flyer Closed Language Cantonese / Mandarin
Event name Delegation to Guangzhou
「中小型執業所委員會」及「粵港澳大灣區委員會」合辦: 香港廣州中小型會計師事務所交流活動-廣州訪問團
Enrolment restrictions For HKICPA members only CPD hours 3.00
Competency Industry Knowledge Sub-Competency Business and product knowledge
Contact Payment & Enrolment Status Enquiry at enrolment@hkicpa.org.hk / 2287 7381 or Event Information Enquiry at me@hkicpa.org.hk / 2287 7285 / 2287 7030



上午7:45       香港出發(尖沙嘴集合,乘坐旅遊巴)
上午10:30    到達廣州,與廣州註冊會計師協會及當地會計師事務所代表交流
下午12:30    商務午餐 
下午2:00       前往參觀埃安新能源汽車廠
下午4:30       返港(乘坐旅遊巴返港,並於尖沙嘴解散)
Event Date
Date / Time CPD hours Venue
27 May 2024 (07:45 - 18:45) 3.00 廣州
Fee Information
Type Fee (HKD)
Enrolment Member 800.00
Student (Offline) 800.00
Full Hot and limited seat Promotion
Closed e-Learning Continuing Education Fund
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