Event Information
Event code ESEMETLS21121L01 Event Flyer Closed Language Cantonese with English terminology
Event name E-learning: PN 820 (Revised), The Audit of Licensed Corporations and Associated Entities of Intermediaries
CPD hours 1.50
Competency Industry Knowledge,Auditing and Assurance
Level 2 - Intermediate
Contact Payment & Enrolment Status at enrolment@hkicpa.org.hk/ 2287 7381 or Course Information at tls@hkicpa.org.hk/ 2287 7074

Event flyer 

Enrolment form

This is a re-launch programme. No CPD hours will be granted if a member has previously enrolled the programe. For details, please refer to the last paragraph of A11, Statement 1.500 regarding repetitive CPD activities.)


This course operates under a new learning management system (LMS) that is designed to enhance your learning experience. After successfully enrol in the course, you will receive an activation e-mail from LMS within 24 hours, which includes your login ID and a one-time password. If you have already activated your LMS account, the course will become available for your viewing within 24 hours on LMS.



Event Date
Date / Time CPD hours
11 Jan 2024 - 30 June 2024 (Enrolment Period) 1.50
Fee Information
Type Fee (HKD)
Enrolment IA enrolment fee 230.00
Member 230.00
Student 230.00
Non-member 415.00
Enrolment Date
Enrolment from 11 Jan 2024 (00:00) to 30 Jun 2024 (23:59)
The enrolment has closed.
Full Hot and limited seat Promotion
Closed e-Learning Continuing Education Fund
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