導師將教授製作流體熊之所需技巧,由配色、混色到上色都會詳細講解。 每位參加者都可以親手製作出獨一無二的流體熊,無需任何經驗。 成品賞心悅目之餘亦可以感受顏料流動所帶來的療癒感,參加者更可透過不同配色發揮其創意。 費用已包括材料: 顏料和一隻高18厘米的熊公仔。 參加者須於工作坊後一星期內返回上課地點領取完全乾透的流體熊。
Target participants – Young members Registration – Places are limited and will be accepted on a first-come-first-served basis. Priority will be given according to the order of young members, members and guests in the case of over-subscription. *The event may be cancelled if there is insufficient number of enrolments.