Event code
Cantonese with English terminology
Event name
2021 SMP Symposium - Module two (archived webinar)
CPD hours
Industry Knowledge,Change Management,Accounting and Financial Reporting,Auditing and Assurance
2 - Intermediate
Payment & Enrolment Status at enrolment@hkicpa.org.hk / 2287 7381 or Event Information Enquiry at ms@hkicpa.org.hk / 2287 7285
About SMP Symposium SMP Symposium is an annual flagship event organized by the Small and Medium Practices Committee (SMPC) of the Institute. Themed “Change for good” this year, the 2021 SMP Symposium is set to provide a one-stop update on the topical issues affecting SMPs to help practitioners manage the key challenges they face and explore opportunities out of the changes.
2021 SMP Symposium programme - Module two (archived webinar) - Tax update
- Miss Michelle Chan, Assistant Commissioner (Profits Tax), Inland Revenue Department - Digitalization of SMPs and the challenges ahead
- Mr. Jason Yau CPA, Regional Leader, Asia-Pacific, RSM International and Parther, Technology & Management Consulting, RSM Hong Kong - Practice review and compliance updates
- Mr. Dennis Chan CPA, Associate Director, Quality Assurance, Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA) - Mr. Peter Nip CPA, Deputy Director, Compliance, HKICPA - Mr. Clarence Lau CPA, Associate Director, Compliance, HKICPA - Closing Remarks
- Mr. Eugene Liu CPA (practising), Chairman, 2021 SMP Symposium Organizing Committee, HKICPA Enrolment form Preview