Event Information
Event code ESEREF03501 Closed e-Learning Language Cantonese
Event name Fundamentals of Structured Finance
CPD hours 2.00
Competency Corporate and Strategic Finance Sub-Competency Understanding of capital market and financial instruments/ hedging products
Level 1 - Foundation
Contact 2287 7381 for Payment & Enrolment Status or 2287 7435 / 2287 7249 for Course Information



Event Date
Date / Time CPD hours Notes
31 July 2018 2.00 *** Warning: This e-learning session has expired ***
Fee Information
Type Fee (HKD)
Enrolment HKIAAT member (Offline) 190.00
IA 190.00
Member 190.00
Student 190.00
Non-member 325.00
Full Hot and limited seat Promotion
Closed e-Learning Continuing Education Fund
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