Event Information
Event code EWEB24102601 Event Flyer Promotion Language English
Event name Virtual Conference: Annual Auditing Update 2024: Navigating the Evolving Landscape Together
CPD hours 3.50
Competency Auditing and Assurance
Level 3 - Advanced
Support programme
Yes. To apply, complete the enrolment form for support programme, check the declaration and send the form to the Institute.
Contact enrolment@hkicpa.org.hk / 2287 7381 (phone) for payment & enrolment status or cpd@hkicpa.org.hk / 2287 7067 (phone) for course information
Tentative rundown of the conference:
Time Topic Speaker/ Chair
9:00 am - 9:20 am Opening Address
  • Local updates
Mr. Paul Hebditch
Chair of HKICPA Auditing and Assurance Standards Committee ("AASC")
9:20 am - 9:50 am Update on IAASB Projects
  • Fraud project
  • PIE Track 2 project
Ms. Caroline Chiu
Partner, EY
9:50 am - 10:40 am HKSA for Less Complex Entities
  • Overview of the standard
  • Proposed local refinement
Mr. Charbon Lo
Member of HKICPA AASC and Ethics Committee ("EC")
Deputy Managing Partner, Beijing XingHua Caplegend CPA Limited
10:40 am - 10:55 am Break
10:55 am - 11:35 am HKSA 600 (Revised), Special Considerations – Audits of Group Financial Statements (Including the Work of Component Auditors)
  • Key changes and requirements
Mr. Deric Chiu
Partner, Deloitte
11:35 am - 12:20 pm Update on Local Ethics and IESBA Projects
  • Definitions of Listed Entity and Public Interest Entity
  • Ethics Survey Observations
  • IESBA project updates
Ms. Maria Xuereb
Chair of HKICPA EC
12:20 pm - 12:40 pm Question and Answer Session All Speakers
12:40 pm - 12:45 pm Closing Remarks Mr. Paul Hebditch
Event Date
Date / Time CPD hours
26 Oct 2024 (09:00 - 12:45) 3.50
Fee Information
Type Fee (HKD)
Enrolment Member Fee 450.00
Student Fee 450.00
Non Member Fee 990.00
Enrolment Date
Enrolment from 30 Aug 2024 (00:00) to 25 Oct 2024 (00:00)
Full Hot and limited seat Promotion
Closed e-Learning Continuing Education Fund
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