Event Information
Event code OTHR23042701 Event Flyer Closed Language Cantonese
Event name Singing Technique Seminar
Enrolment restrictions HKICPA members only
Competency Singing
Contact Anthony Lee at anthonylee@hkicpa.org.hk / 2287 7386 or Elaine Wai at elainewai@hkicpa.org.hk / 2287 7230
A free singing technique seminar has been organized for members who would like to improve their contemporary singing skills. Professional singing teacher, Ms. Lillian Chan and experienced pianist, Mr. Patrick Ng will share some important insights to enhance member's vocal ability and some solutions for common vocal problems in singing.
Instructors: Ms. Lillian Chan and Mr. Patrick Ng
Seminar details:
  • Introduction of basic singing (介紹唱歌基本認識)
  • What is karaoke singing? (什麼叫唱K?)
  • What is dantian? (什麼叫丹田?)
  • What is falsetto? (什麼叫假聲?)
  • How to handle the fragments of a song? (如何處理歌曲分段?)
  • How to manage intonation, tempo and the voice? (如何處理音準、拍子、大細聲?)
  • Basic recording procedures(基本錄製歌曲流程)
  • Sample question for Q&A session: What can you do if you suddenly got phlegm on your throat while singing? (問答環節的示例問題:在你唱歌過程中突然痰上頸,有甚麼辦法可以解決到?)
Event Date
Date / Time Venue
27 Apr 2023 (19:00 - 20:15) 27/F, Wu Chung House 213 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Fee Information
Free Event
Full Hot and limited seat Promotion
Closed e-Learning Continuing Education Fund
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